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Over the course of my life, food was certainly my first love. Through my years as a growing child, an athlete, a mother, I have learned the importance of nourishing my body for both physical and mental well-being.

I am currently studying a degree in Nutrition and Human Health for which I would love to put my education towards working with people to have positive and informative discussions and create a piece of clarity amongst all the myths passed down to us from generations of diet culture.


What does food really do for you?

In light of graduating as a qualified nutritionist next year, I would like to offer you my work as a point of interest. All well-received and relevant projects will be made available in PDF form for those who wish to read any research I have made. Though mostly technical bioscience, there are some areas which may be of use and interest for those seeking an understanding of Nootrition. 

Disclosure: I am a student and remain unqualified to offer any advice. All the work made available to read has been well-received by the university however any health issues or concerns must be taken up with your GP or health professional.

Exploring the effects of oleic acid from olive oil on fat cells (adipocytes)

There is still so much to learn about our fat cells and recent research is exploring the effects that some oils and fatty acids have on the nature of developing fat cells. Does it influence their susceptibility to storing excessive fat? 

Diabetes Mellitus

Sugar is everywhere you look. But what are the dangers and mechanisms behind what contributes to diabetes and how can we be tested?

Ortherexia - Brief Overview

A brief description and presentation of a select group of eating disorders called OSFED (Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders) including Ortherexia Nervosa. In today's society of diet culture and health, patterns of obsessive behaviours around healthy food and control can lead to a masked eating disorder.

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